Everything you need to know about luxury construction

Luxurious, ostentatious, opulent, splendid homes are achieved with expensive materials but also with quality spaces. Luxury constructions do not have to have expendable things or suppose a great expense of money and time. Its architectural configuration and the very idea of ​​the house can be a sign of spatial richness without falling into constructive vagaries.

These homes are designed to be easy to maintain since the quality of the materials must allow cleaning, polishing and different types of washing. Many times we find constructive solutions in which floor-to-ceiling glass predominates. The interior and exterior continuities are the result of two things. Either we are facing an ingenious solution, the result of the thought of an architect concerned with thermal bridges or facing a solution unrelated to thermal problems.

While it is true that if you can purchase a home of this style, you will be able to maintain it, but the maintenance itself conditions the aesthetics of the house and takes care of the construction itself. Luxury is not eternal. Inside a home, it may be the part that can change the fastest over time. The old luxury houses usually involve quite expensive renovations.

In luxury construction, the most important thing is to invest in space and in good execution. That is, look for rooms facing east to be able to get up with the sun or a comfortable and practical terrace with a fire area for cooking or with a gazebo.


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